We started making up Blind Date Books in October 2014. Has it been that long already??? Since then, I’d like to think that several love matches have been made.
Have you tried a ‘Blind Date With A Book’?
The books on this table are all bestsellers from all over the store, written by both female & male Authors, there is a wide variety of genres, they are a great, fun way to try something outside your actual range of reading, there is no judging a book by its cover & these blind dates won’t stand you up & you may fall in love with some new authors. We always try to put enough information on the front of our “Blind Dates with A Book” so that you don’t accidentally buy one you’ve already read, but should this happen let us know right away & you can exchange it for another one. Please, no book credits on these already specially priced books. There are blind dates for Young Adults and even a few for middle-graders. Blind dates that are written by Canadian authors have a maple leaf on them.
Lately, our customers have been getting really creative and sending us pictures of the special places they have gone on their Blind Date With A Book.

This week I had a Blind Date with a book. If you’re not familiar with dating books, I encourage you to check it out. My blind date turned out to be The Rosie Project. This isn’t the sort of date I would have picked on my own, but as blind dates go, I was pleasantly surprised and pleased. I spent an enjoyable day reading The Rosie Project, which is told in first person by a professor with Asperger’s. It is light and funny and very relatable. Since the plot included his search for the perfect wife, date night included a bottle of wine I trust the good professor would approve of. If he doesn’t, in perfect Professor Tillman fashion, he will learn to adjust. The professor discovered his perfect match was anything but what his algorithms and test plans had predicted. While the book was in part predictable, the humor was light and fun and made it a good read. I’d recommend the book, and I’m open to a new date.- Ellen Sutherland August 2020

We really enjoy seeing our Blind Date Books out and about. Where will you be taking yours???
Check out this beautiful/ romantic setting for taking and reading a ‘Blind Date with a Book’: Driftwood by the Bay in Church Point, NS.

We have even had some reviews sent in about our Blind Date Books. Most of the reviews were normal book reviews. But one of the reviews was done as if the person was on a real date!!! Very Creative. She was our first customer to buy a Blind Date with a Book on October 9th- 2014 and we asked her for all the juicy details/gossip about her ‘date’ and this is what she sent us:
Thank you BLIND DATE WITH A BOOK. My local bookstore, Dartmouth Book Exchange, has a wonderful table called BLIND DATE NIGHT, where you buy a book for $5.00 – the “blind date” catch is that the book is wrapped in brown paper, with a few clues to the treasure contained inside. I was the first customer to purchase one, and my clues were “1- his first book in a series; 2- New York Times Bestseller; 3-about a doctor; 4- set in a village in Northern Ireland”. Well, I started my blind date on a rainy afternoon and before I knew it, I was in bed with An Irish Country Doctor. Written by Patrick Taylor, the back cover says the book “… is a charming and engrossing tale that will captivate readers from the very first page — and leave them yearning to visit the Irish countryside of days gone by.” I must say that my Blind Date Night has turned into a full-blown love affair – and I am in love with not one, not two, but three men at the same time – the first is Dr. Barry Laverty, the new arrival in Ballybucklebo, Ireland; the second is his employer, Dr. Fingal Flahertie O’Reilly; and the third is the author, Patrick Taylor! I look forward to purchasing and reading the other books in this series. Thank you, Amy, Sue, and the others at Dartmouth Book Exchange, for such a novel idea – pun fully intended! –Liz McCoombs
Blind Date Books make great gifts- especially Secret Santa Gifts.

My Blind Date with a Book By Sue- I never thought I would be able to do a review of a Blind Date with a book considering I’m staff and I wrap up all the Blind Date books- but my sister-in-law gave me one for Christmas. Considering I knew which book was under the wrapping just by reading the outside, I found myself looking forward to reading the book and was happy to receive such a gift. Now in this review, I am not going to tell you the name or author of the book in case it finds its way back on the Blind Date Table, but I will tell you that I started it & finished it in 2 nights and with a 6-year-old this is not easily done anymore- so you know it was good. On the outside of the package it read: 1- She is a New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author2- She is a Multiple Award Winner, including the 2005 Quill Award for Best Romance 3-The main Character is assigned 3 tasks that are all about Christmas. I will say that this is the first book I’ve read by this author- which is one of the main ideas behind Blind Dates with books and I will definitely be reading more of her books in the future. The second task that the main character was assigned to do made me laugh so hard that I feared I would wake my son up who was just down the hall. Now I find I can’t wait until Valentine’s Day in hopes of maybe receiving another Blind Date with a book or even receiving one earlier on Jan 27th for Canadian Literacy Day. I’ll have to drop some strong hints with my hubby. January 12th – 2015

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