This week we are spotlighting Nicole Bea and her Young Adult, Contemporary Romance ‘A Darkness of Wolves’. Set in Nova Scotia this novel deals with Mental Health and Sunday, October 10th is #WorldMentalHealthDay.
One weekend changed everything for eighteen-year-old Wynrie Lowe, and she’s been on a downward spiral ever since. Her moods change from one extreme to the other, happiness to sadness, with nothing in between. Something is very wrong, and she doesn’t know how to fix it. As Wynrie’s emotions grow dangerously unstable, her boyfriend, Ezra, struggles to weather the storm. But will he even still want her once he learns the truth about that weekend? And as her world is torn apart and rearranged, can Wynrie find the strength to reach out for the help she needs before it’s too late?

A Darkness of Wolves, by Nicole Bea, is a contemporary romance, young adult novel, set in Nova Scotia that deals with mental health. I found it to be written in a way that the reader experiences the emotional ups and downs right alongside the main character, 18-year-old Wynrie. In fact, it was written so skillfully, that I began to wonder if I had a mood disorder as well. It takes a proficient writer to write in such a way that the reader can feel what it must be like for someone who is bi-polar. Going through your teens is hard enough without having to sort your feelings for two great guys in your life, feeling betrayed by your best friend, losing interest in what you had always loved, all the while dealing with your own mental state.I also enjoyed the Nova Scotia setting of the book and can easily visualize visiting Burntcoat Head at low tide or sitting on the trunk of my car, by the airport, watching the planes lift off. I am looking forward to reading another of Nicole’s novels. Goodreads Sue Slade October 2021
“I tell myself there’s no such thing as perfect times, only perfect moments.” pg 148 A Darkness of Wolves by Nicole Bea. #inthistogether#DigitallyLit

Connect with Nicole at:
Twitter @nicolebeawrites