Today we were delighted to host the first-ever Everwell Society for the Benefit of Scandalous Spinsters & Wayward Women meeting to discuss the latest exploits concerning a Captivated Caper.
A Captivated Caper by Michelle Helliwell
What happens when a thief gets her heart stolen?
…and what happens when it’s stolen by a gorgeous if straight-laced British colonel who’s unknowingly hired Everwell’s cat burglar as a governess for his daughter?
…and what happens when a man who literally gives orders for a living finds himself falling head over heels for a woman who seems incapable of following any?

The meeting agenda included:
• Who is Michelle Helliwell
• The history and creation of the Scandalous Spinsters and Wayward Women
• A brief overview of A Dangerous Diversion
• A reading from A Captivating Caper
• Meet the Scandalous Spinsters
• Which Spinster are you?
• What is your Superpower?
• More from A Captivating Caper
• Questions
• Discussion about our next meeting date
• Book Draw
• Book Signing
What happens when a man who literally gives orders for a living finds himself falling head over heels for a woman who seems incapable of following any?
Imagine Ocean’s Eight meets Robin Hood meets foggy Victorian Halifax. Every heroine is a talented thief using their talents to help others. Every hero is a potential mark.
Which Scandalous Spinster are you? Michelle handed out a fun quiz that determined which Spinster we were depending on our answers. If we answered mostly A’s we were Elouise- the Charmer. If we answered mostly B’s we were Gemma- the Thief with a heart of gold. Mostly C’s we were Maddy- Everwell’s librarian, gardener, and muscle. Mostly D’s we were Rimple- Science teacher, tinkerer, and gadget girl, and mostly E’s we were Phillipa- the ringleader, planner, and mastermind.
Everwell’s light fingered thief Gemma Kurt normally works alone in the shadows. What happens when she’s forced to take centre stage?
The Scandalous Spinster’s latest job has Gemma playing governess to the lonely and unruly daughter of the impervious Colonel Jeremy Webber while secretly searching his house for a missing will. It’s a true balancing act — one made all the more difficult when it is the handsome Colonel that steals her breath every time they’re together…
Review: A Captivating Caper, the second in Michelle Helliwell’s Scandalous Spinsters series, was as good, if not better than the first, and let me tell you I loved the first. Set in Victorian Halifax, these delightful Scandalous Spinsters and Wayward Women are teachers from the Everwell Society who have skills above and beyond that of everyday teachers. They go the extra mile, sometimes bending the law, to help those who can’t always help themselves (similar to Robin Hood and his merry men).
As the youngest teacher at Everwell Manor the former acrobat, Gemma Kurt with her expertise in blending into the background and sleight of hand, is the perfect Scandalous Spinster to apply for the position of governess for Miss Ivy Webber at Hastings House, her mission, to search the house undetected for a missing will.
I very much enjoyed reading about Gemma’s and her charge’s father, Colonel Jeremy Webber, Lieutenant Governor George Tupper’s handsome Secretary, a stickler for rules, tip-toeing around their attraction for one another.
I am looking forward to reading about more “Capers” of the Everwell Society. Sue Slade September- 2002 Goodreads
Review: I honestly don’t know how she does it. She has a way with words that not only moves you but captivates you in a way that the world around disappears and you become fully emerged into the world of the story. The types of stories that keep you reading until you finish all in one sitting because your so drawn in that you can’t put it down are rare gems and should be treasured. Michelle Helliwell is one of those rare authors that have the amazing talent and gift to create these rare gems. I am proud to not only have been granted the pleasure of reading this amazing piece of work before it comes out in print, but I am even more proud to call her a friend. Cassie Ripley September 2022- Goodreads

― Michelle Helliwell A Captivating Caper
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