
Resurrection of the Druidess Book Launch: A Jamie Poole Diary

We had a successful and fun book launch today with Ellen E. Sutherland and her second book in her Jamie Poole Diary series: Resurrection Druidess. Thanks to all who braved the weather to come to Ellen’s event.

With the high winds and the localized snow, which seemed to be only happening from a cloud right above Dartmouth/Cole Harbour and nowhere else, the time change this weekend, having a full moon this week and Friday being the 13th, this might be a great time to raise a Druidess.

Ellen E. Sutherland was in this afternoon launching her second book in her Jamie Poole Diary series: Resurrection of the Druidess. She also had copies of her first Jamie Poole Diary: The Isle of Osiris.

While Ellen was here, we asked her to tell us about Jamie Poole. Check out her blog to find out all about Jamie and the event here at Dartmouth Book Exchange :–J-3PPRoxjuCeZ6LAmgHAibcVZ0pr18dpfFxAco

Ellen will be back to our store next year, Saturday March 6th from 1-4pm, with her next installment in her Jamie Poole Diary series.